Project Info
Brand identity for Vornado's trio of properties in San Francisco's business district, which includes the iconic 555 California St building, 315 Montgomery St and 345 Montgomery St. The objective is to brand all three buildings into one, with a logo mark that reflected the tech and business crowd in that neighbourhood.
Role: Lead Designer (Brand Identity)
Agency: Mirror NYC

The Logo Mark
I worked with Vornado to create three different logos based off research from each building. The final logo was influenced by the romanticism of Art Deco architecture, the Sierra mountains, and the intersection of the three buildings. The name "315 555 345" was chosen.

Other Explorations
Some runner-up designs that were considered.

The Final Logo
Named "the Daydreamer," the winning logo embodies a sleek and modern aesthetic, while the circular shape exudes a softness that hints at the romanticism of the three historical buildings.