2021 Career Horoscopes
Art directed a new Refinery29 series of Career Horoscopes that launched in 2021, with a focus on navigating the future, symbolism and metaphors. Won an AI-AP Award in American Illustration 40.
Illustrations by Daniel Zender.


2021 Love Horoscopes
Art directed Refinery29's new 2021 Love Horoscopes, with a vision of capturing emotions through abstraction.
Illustrations by Amber Vittoria.

Fashion Week 2020
Developed the branding and art direction for Refinery29's Fashion Week 2020 editorial package called Long Live Style. This illustration is for the article, How Street Style Became Screen Style.
Illustrations by Ohni Lisle.

Fashion Week 2020
Art direction for the Long Live Style article, Is It Possible To Be Anti -Capitalist And Love Fashion? It’s Complicated.
Illustration and animation by Daniel Zender.

Refinery29 x ULTA Beauty
Art directed and designed a microsite for Ulta's 2020 holiday feature called Choose Joy.
Illustrations by Daiana Ruiz.

Refinery29 x Traditional Medicinals
Art direction for Traditional Medicinals' feature focused on wellness tea and its benefits. This is for the article, This Is Why “Wellness Teas” Have Grown So Popular In Quarantine.
Illustrations by Agathe Singer.

Refinery29 x The Body Shop
Art direction for The Body Shop feature on self-love. This is for the article, "Self-Care Is Important, But These Women Want You To Prioritize Self Love"
Illustrated by Franziska Barczyk.